
composed, performed, and produced under the anagram Roc.F.Shefton

Album Cover: Karekare beach, Aotearoa - black and white photo of Stefan playing a baby grand piano on a beach with fiery psychedelic waves of colour coming off him and the piano


Karekare - my favourite beach since I was 12yo - has variously tried to kill me, and saved my life. So it was a unique privilege and pleasure to get to play piano to it.

From that history, and that moment, was born the titular track of what grew into an album. Including a remix by multi-instrumentalist / producer / DJ / goodest of humans - Isaac Aesili, with his long-time collaborator the phenomenal Julian Dyne).

I originally put a version of Karekare on Spotify purely so my mum could listen to it. Given my dubious powers of self promotion (refer Bio for my preference to gargle broken glass), I expect the album's audience will be restricted to said mum.. and maybe now you...

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